Growth Portfolios
A diversified blend of passive and active funds focused upon capital growth at a low cost.
Our six Growth portfolios bring together a blend of low-cost equity and bond index trackers as well as leading active investment funds invested on a buy and hold basis. This blend seeks to bring the best of low-cost passive and leading active management into one portfolio range to provide a diversification of assets focused on capital growth at a competitive price.
The portfolios use a traditional diversified asset allocation model that is further refined and informed through our unique trend and market sentiment indicators on a quarterly basis.
The Growth portfolios are designed to assist in efficient, reliable, low-cost investment and pension accumulation strategies.
Focused on Capital Growth
Assists accumulation strategies focused on long-term capital growth.
Buy and Hold
Invests in an internationally diversified blend of passive and active equity, fixed income, and alternative funds held on a buy and hold basis.
Management Fee
Reduced Fees
Lower DFM investment management fees and a mix of low-cost passive index tracking funds combined with a few selected active investment management funds.
Our investment portfolios are available on the following leading platforms
Contact Us
Please contact us for more information about any of our investment strategies.
2019 © Crossing Point Investment Management.
Registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 08776208.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 813549).