Our dedication to our consumers is top priority for us.
Consumer Duty
Target Market Assessments
Due to new Consumer Duty requirements, all providers must publish materials documenting the target market assessments for their products and services.
This will allow your adviser, to make an informed assessment as to whether the product and service we offer, provides a suitable solution for your goals.
The target market assessments for all of our portfolios can be found on the following report.
Value for Money Assessments
All providers must now also evidence that their products/services are of good value. These assessments should form part of your advisers research and due diligence process.
The value for money assessments for all of our portfolios can be found on the following report.
2019 © Crossing Point Investment Management.
Registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 0​8776208.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 813549).