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Green Path Portfolios


A low-cost actively managed portfolio service that is designed for sustainable growth using environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment values.

Green Path Portfolios

Socially responsible investment (SRI) and the use of ESG investment criteria to guide investments has moved into the mainstream. There is now overwhelming evidence that sustainable investment can deliver comparable returns with traditional investments and also offer opportunities for outperformance based on reduced risk.

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Our Green Path portfolio funds consider the impact of the funds in which they invest on the environment; their social impact recognising the civil, economic and social rights of all stakeholders; and ensuring good corporate governance.


All our Green Path portfolio holdings are regularly screened using ESG criteria through MSCI ESG and Morningstar Sustainability Ratings. Our strategies take a positive approach to seeking sustainable investments that have a greater potential to boost returns.


Our three Green Path portfolios invest in a blend of ESG index tracking and exchange traded funds as well as actively managed funds covering all major global markets.


The portfolio range aims to achieve sustainable growth and provide a diversification of assets at a very competitive price to the investor.

The Green Path portfolios are designed to assist in efficient reliable, and sustainable investment and pension accumulation strategies.

Diversified Investment


Invests in a diversified blend of international ESG-designated equity, fixed income and alternative investments.


Environmental, Social, Governance


All funds are selected for their ESG ratings as evaluated through Morningstar Sustainability and MSCI ESG ratings.


Promote Sustainable Development


Invest in thematic funds such as those which promote sustainable development and clean energy.


Management Fee



Maximum Equity Content 


Green Path Strategic Portfolio


Green Path Balanced Portfolio


Green Path Cautious Portfolio


Green Path Portfolios All Factsheets

Green Path Quarterly Report

Green Path Performance Report

Our Green Path portfolios are available on the following leading platforms

Green Path portfolios focus on a number of key factors

  • Climate change is becoming a reality.

  • Good corporate governance is important to achieve a sustainable business.

  • A transformation is occurring in energy sources with a rapid rise in renewable energy.

  • Technology is changing what we demand and what we consume. Only adaptable companies will survive.

  • Investors can be quick to punish companies found to be using child labour or damaging the environment.

  • Information on ESG policies of companies is more widely available.

  • Regulation is forcing companies to adopt ESG compliant strategies.

Ethical Investing

ESG investing has been driven by key changes in investor behaviour. Many private investors want a more active, objective driven approach. There is also a realisation that ESG focused investments are not just philanthropic but a way to future proofing your investments where performance need not be compromised.


Sustainability and fair opportunity have led to investors pursuing the concept of a healthy balance between investment returns and the long-term preservation of our natural resources and the respectful treatment of labour and equality.

All of these factors are in themselves forceful drivers of change. Taken as a whole, the ESG effect has become a compelling element moving to the centre of institutional financial activity.


For a rapidly increasing number of investors, ESG forms the core focus of their investment strategy. This is not simply a moral principle, but as the most relevant factor in providing a model for sustainable returns.

Future proofing your investments


ESG has become one of the fastest growing areas of the investment market. Investing on the basis of environmental, social and governance factors has increasingly moved to the centre stage.


ESG investing has been driven by key changes in investor behaviour. Many private investors want a more active, objective-driven approach. There is also a realisation that ESG focused investments are not just philanthropic but a way to future proof your investments where performance need not be compromised.


Sustainability and fair opportunity have led to investors pursuing the concept of a healthy balance between investment returns, the long-term preservation of our natural resources, and the respectful treatment of labour and equality.

ESG Fund Selection


All our investments are rigorously screened using the three principles that form the core of our ESG investment philosophy. The ESG credentials of each index-tracker fund or exchange-traded fund is validated in accordance with our stated ESG principles: environmental, social compatibility and good governance. We only use funds that are clearly designated ESG investments.

"ESG investors can follow their convictions without fear of compromise"

Prof Mike Buckle

Investment Manager

Prof Mike Buckle

Fund Selection Criteria


Our fund selection criteria document provides insight into our selection process.

Fund Selection Criteria

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Please contact us for more information about any of our investment strategies.

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2019 © Crossing Point Investment Management.
Registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 0​8776208.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA No 813549).

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